WAC Pride Tribute Week 1

The Wrestling Art Collective is group composed of different individuals with different styles and techniques, but also with different identities and style of life, all united by our love for Wrestling. June is Pride month in USA, so we decide to pay tribute to our favourite 2SLGBTQIA+ wrestler with a gallery of fan art! Each week we’ll show case some work from different artist about a different wrestler. Hope you like it.

VENY, or ASUKA as she’s known in Japan, made history as the first openly trans professional wrestler from Japan. She wrestles with a combination of on-point technical skills and one of the most impressive moonsault’s I’ve ever seen, and at only 24 she can only improve with time. Seek out any of her matches as you can, she’s one to watch.
Credits: Eden MW (twitter @queerbuccaneer, insta @mxedenmw, http://edenmw.com/)
Veny (twitter @asuka10272140, insta @asuka10272140)

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